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Discovering Joy in the Kitchen with Katerina Pavlakis


Katerina Pavlakis

 Location: Conwy, North Wales

I help overwhelmed home cooks simplify everyday meals beyond rules and recipes. I also host a podcast shining a light on the nagging frustrations and unexpected deliciousness in everyday kitchens beyond the glitzy noise of celebrity chefs. When I'm not helping people trust their own tastebuds, you can find me walking my dog in the woods and foraging for wild food.

What moment or experience inspired you to start your business? What was your vision at the beginning?

I've been an intuitive cook all my life without thinking much of it. But when I started running a food shop I soon realized how often people get tripped up by recipes, and how the effort of trying to follow a recipe strangles curiosity and kills the joy of cooking. That's when I realized my way of cooking might be of value to others too. We all have a natural instinct of what's good to eat: it's not rocket science, it's just dinner!

What does a typical day for you look like?

I start my day with a quiet cup of green tea and a short walk with the dog, then I check and feed my chickens, sheep, and donkeys. I work on my online business and podcast for the rest of the morning. I have breakfast at lunchtime, then it's time for a dog walk in the woods. In the afternoons I take over from my husband for my shift in our food shop. When I get home I rustle up something nice to eat, and we'll have a simple but 'proper' sit-down dinner—our favorite part of the day. We finish our evening with dancing to a few tracks of music, our favorite new habit!

What unique routines or habits do you believe contribute to your success?

My creative ideas flow most during my lunchtime dog walks and I love keeping voice notes while I walk. Making dinner is my time to decompress after a long day—working with my hands and involving my senses feels meditative and calming to me. Good food and conversation around the kitchen table (we always light a candle too) is what keeps me and my husband connected and grounded—also a time to talk through creative ideas!

What's your workstation setup?

My workspace still is just a corner on a messy kitchen table. It's chaotic but I wouldn't want it any other way: we have a beautiful open-plan living space, so this really is the best spot in our small cottage.

Where do you go to look for inspiration?

Walking in the woods, getting lost in my thoughts. Or the opposite, talking to people: I get to have amazing conversations in my food shop and I love the kitchen table conversations I get for my podcast.

What core values drive your business, and how have they shaped your path?

I'm curious, happy to experiment, and always trusting the result when I cook. I'm trying to translate that as much as possible to how I run my business, both offline (my shop) and online (my cooking classes). I find this much harder in business than in cooking!

What part of your business are you most proud of?

My favorite offering is my live cook-along sessions—they bring to life my simple principles that make it easy for anyone to create a tasty meal with simple ingredients they already have in their kitchen. You got to try it to believe it!

What’s a challenge you’re currently working on in your business?

Converting readers/followers into customers is my biggest challenge. I think I need to be more strategic (and systematic) with my customer journey, and there is a mindset piece I need to work on too.

What music do you listen to while working?

In a previous life, I used to be a concert producer, so my music tastes are really eclectic, from afro-beat to folk to alt country—anything goes!

What’s one piece of advice someone gave you that you’ll never forget?

Take messy action!

Any advice for ambitious professionals in your field?

Focus on what truly resonates with you and your experiences. Authenticity is key.

What shortcuts are you eyeing next on World of Shortcuts?

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Calm Amid Chaos: Create Extra Time in 3 Simple Steps

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