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Indian Cooking Made Easy - Indian Food Explorations - World of Shortcuts

Indian Cooking Made Easy

$35 USD | Created by Indian Food Explorations

Prepare an Indian meal from scratch in exactly 40-minutes; I'll give you the list of ingredients and where to buy them, a follow-along video, and an easy to follow step-by-step guide so you're always on track. A delicious meal is virtually guaranteed!

  • Learn how to make Indian food at home quickly and easily, that’s tasty, light on the stomach, and doesn’t require hours of prep.

Learn how to make Indian food at home quickly and easily, that’s tasty, light on the stomach, and doesn’t require hours of prep.


Anubhav from Indian Food Explorations

I'm Anubhav, a vegetarian foodie from New Delhi (India) living in Portland, Oregon (USA). I love bringing people to good food, whether home cooked or at restaurants, cafes, or food carts.

I come from a family of passionate foodies, some award winning cooks, and urban food growers. But when I moved to the U.S. back in 2001, all I knew was how to make microwaved peas and rice.

My desire for eating good food led me on a journey to not only pick up and finesse my cooking skills but also teach other Indian food lovers how they can do it too.

Indian Cooking Made Easy

Prepare an Indian meal from scratch in exactly 40-minutes; I'll give you the list of ingredients and where to buy them, a follow-along video, and an easy to follow step-by-step guide so you're always on track. A delicious meal is virtually guaranteed!

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