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Day Rate QuickStart

$37 USD | Created by Day Rate Mastery®

With Day Rate QuickStart, we’re giving you a plug ‘n play system to get started with Day Rates (AKA VIP Days), so you can ditch burnout once and for all, and fall back in love with your business.

  • Create, Launch and Land Your First Day Rate Client in Less Than a Week… Even if you have no idea where to start and you’re exhausted from never-ending client projects & retainers.

Create, Launch and Land Your First Day Rate Client in Less Than a Week… Even if you have no idea where to start and you’re exhausted from never-ending client projects & retainers.


Sarah from Day Rate Mastery®

I'm a business coach for online service providers and I've spent the last 19 years doing everything from running a successful etsy business to freelance graphic and web design to delivering group coaching programs and hosting mastermind retreats.

I started out selling personalized baby stationery for $12, and went on to consistently sell out my $3,000 VIP Days, bringing in multiple six-figures per year.

Today, I coach others on how to do exactly what I've done.

Day Rate QuickStart

With Day Rate QuickStart, we’re giving you a plug ‘n play system to get started with Day Rates (AKA VIP Days), so you can ditch burnout once and for all, and fall back in love with your business.

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