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Finding Calm in Chaos: Jacqui Taylor's Journey to Mindful Living


Jacqui Taylor

Bingley, West Yorkshire, UK

"I help busy-minded people feel calmer and switch off far quicker at the end of their working day. I also host a series of courses designed to help people move towards living a mindful life through meditation and journaling. When I’m not sharing my love of meditation with folks, you can find me walking my dog, Jess." 

What moment or experience inspired you to start your business? What was your vision at the beginning?

I've run my own health business for over 15 years in my local community. However, upon reaching the end of my treatment for lobular breast cancer a few years ago, I took the plunge to sell up and dedicate my time to sharing my love of all things mindful. Breathwork, meditation, and writing have become my passions and help me live a calmer, contented, and peaceful life. I wanted to give others the opportunity to experience the impact mindful and heartful practices can have without the catalyst of a life-threatening illness.

What does a typical day for you look like?

You guessed it! My days start quietly with meditation and yoga practice and usually some writing. The hustle and bustle of the day—emails, social media, and the like—are kept at bay until I have directed my energy into my creative and meaningful work. This might be working on my latest book or developing content for my courses. I make space in the day to eat well and walk my dog, and some days I'll go to the gym. Afternoons are when I do my client work and all the admin. I'm an early riser, so the day slows down around 4:30 PM. My family gets home around then too, and we always cook and eat our evening meal together.

What unique routines or habits do you believe contribute to your success?

No talking (or the bare minimum) when I first get up. I start the day with my meditation, yoga, and writing up until around 10 AM. Then I break the day up into 90-minute chunks with plenty of breaks to eat, drink, and move. Daily dog walks are like a magic wand for shifting anything that is stuck, physically, mentally, or metaphorically.

What's your workstation setup?

I will confess, my desk is not the tidiest. It faces a large window, and I have my key light for online calls. Then it is books, pens, and papers on the desk and bookshelves. I have my trusty whiteboard covered in colorful pen scribblings about all my projects, my vision board, and my favorite quote framed on the wall—'The Man In the Arena' by Theodore Roosevelt.

Where do you go to look for inspiration?

I walk around the local park or woodland to listen to the birds, watch how the sunlight strikes through the trees, or my favorite, listen to the water in the streams.

What core values drive your business, and how have they shaped your path?

Getting results for my clients. I want my work to make a real, tangible difference in the lives of those I serve. That's why I will only teach and coach about things I have had genuine experience of and success with.

What part of your business are you most proud of?

I am super proud of my coaching program Mindful Wisdom Unlocked. It builds on what I started with my mini workshop Breathing Space and brings together all that I am learning about how to live with more ease and peace in this world. Plus, it is all about putting it into practice because that is what counts.

What’s a challenge you’re currently working on in your business?

Right now, I am trying to reach a wider audience for my workshop and program. This means I am getting to grips with a few bits of tech I've been avoiding while also coming back to how I want to run and grow my business.

What music do you listen to while working?

Nothing! I love the peace and quiet.

What’s one piece of advice someone gave you that you’ll never forget?

Do the thing that only you can do.

Any advice for ambitious professionals in your field?

Focus on what truly resonates with you and your experiences. Authenticity is key.

What shortcuts are you eyeing next on World of Shortcuts?

Unleash Calm because as much as my dog is a little gem, she's getting a bit reactive.

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