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The Pricing Toolkit

$17 USD | Created by Laura Zavelson, LLC

I'll show you an easy way to set your prices (and increase your revenue) for your coaching, consulting or creative services.

  • Learn how to set your prices based on how much you want to make and how much vacation you want to take.

Learn how to set your prices based on how much you want to make and how much vacation you want to take.


Laura from Laura Zavelson, LLC

I’m a serial founder, author and educator and I’ve spent the last 20+ years helping students and business owners create products and services people want to buy and build businesses that thrive.

I focus on teaching small business owners how to get to good, consistent money with less stress and frustration.

The Pricing Toolkit

I'll show you an easy way to set your prices (and increase your revenue) for your coaching, consulting or creative services.

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