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Teach Your Toddler to Talk Through Play

$27 USD | Created by Let's Talk Toddler LLC

I'll show you how to use the powerful techniques that speech therapists use to teach your toddler to talk during playtime, no matter how your toddler likes to play.

  • Learn how to connect more deeply with your toddler during play by following their lead, improve your toddler's attention and social skills, and teach your toddler to understand and use more words.

Learn how to connect more deeply with your toddler during play by following their lead, improve your toddler's attention and social skills, and teach your toddler to understand and use more words.


Samantha from Let's Talk Toddler LLC

I’m a speech-language pathologist and I’ve spent the last 5 years teaching parents how to get their toddlers talking. I started out teaching my own late talker to find his voice and now I help parents around the world use research-backed techniques to become their toddler’s best language teacher.

Teach Your Toddler to Talk Through Play

I'll show you how to use the powerful techniques that speech therapists use to teach your toddler to talk during playtime, no matter how your toddler likes to play.

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