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$75 USD | Created by Clinton Senkow

I'll teach you how to implement low hanging fruit partnerships to use instantly to grow your business.

  • You will leave the masterclass with a plan on who to partner with, how to partner with them, and why they would say YES to partnering with you resulting in business growth for both parties.

You will leave the masterclass with a plan on who to partner with, how to partner with them, and why they would say YES to partnering with you resulting in business growth for both parties.


Clinton from Clinton Senkow

I’m a business coach and I’ve spent the last 10 years building, growing, and advising businesses on partnership marketing and scaling through strategic partnerships.

I started out doing small scale workshops and 1-1 consulting, but now my core offering is a group coaching program that has seen clients get $500K in new revenue from my strategies and tactics.


I'll teach you how to implement low hanging fruit partnerships to use instantly to grow your business.

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