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Homeopathy for Solar Overload - Lotus Homeopathy, Inc. - World of Shortcuts

Homeopathy for Solar Overload

$27 USD | Created by Lotus Homeopathy, Inc.

I will teach you how to choose the correct homeopathic remedy for your symptoms from too much sun! Whether you are dealing with heat exhaustion or sunburn, you'll get your relief here!

  • Learn how to choose the correct homeopathic remedy based on your symptoms of too much sun!

    • The download will feature important symptoms of 13 different remedies.
    • Hidden in the document is a bonus Smoothie Recipe!
    • Double bonus: A video where you can learn by listening to stories!

Learn how to choose the correct homeopathic remedy based on your symptoms of too much sun!

  • The download will feature important symptoms of 13 different remedies.
  • Hidden in the document is a bonus Smoothie Recipe!
  • Double bonus: A video where you can learn by listening to stories!


Kathryn from Lotus Homeopathy, Inc.

I am a Certified Classical Homeopath.

For the last 20+ years I have been helping heal clients with chronic illnesses. But I have also been helping individuals with acute illnesses and injuries get back to what they love doing. Faster.

The more people I can help, the happier the world will be.

Homeopathy for Solar Overload

I will teach you how to choose the correct homeopathic remedy for your symptoms from too much sun! Whether you are dealing with heat exhaustion or sunburn, you'll get your relief here!

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