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High Converting Homepage

£57 GBP | Created by Ruth Douglas Business Storyteller

I’ll show you how to layout your website homepage so that more people that arrive at your website will take the next step to work with you or buy from you.

  • Learn what to put where on your website homepage so that more people who visit it take the next step to work with you or buy your products - making your business more profitable.

Learn what to put where on your website homepage so that more people who visit it take the next step to work with you or buy your products - making your business more profitable.


Ruth from Ruth Douglas Business Storyteller

I’m a business storyteller and celebrant. I’ve spent the last 25 years using stories to raise hundreds of thousands of pounds for charity, help clients double ecommerce sales, and show clients how to stand out in crowded marketplaces.

I started out telling other people stories to raise money for charity and now I help my clients find and tell their stories so they can build their businesses in a way that feels true to themselves.

High Converting Homepage

I’ll show you how to layout your website homepage so that more people that arrive at your website will take the next step to work with you or buy from you.

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