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Get Clear Now Midlife Masterclass - Suzy Rosenstein Coaching - World of Shortcuts

Get Unstuck: Midlife Clarity Fast & Easy

$27 USD | Created by Suzy Rosenstein Coaching

I'll help you get clear about your next chapter priorities without spin, confusion and overwhelm in less than an hour so that you can get unstuck & have a fun, meaningful and regret-free life!

  • Discover and get clear about your midlife priorities, stop wasting valuable time feeling stuck, and overall, feel free and have a fun and meaningful life, full of happiness and success!

Discover and get clear about your midlife priorities, stop wasting valuable time feeling stuck, and overall, feel free and have a fun and meaningful life, full of happiness and success!


Suzy from Suzy Rosenstein Coaching

I’m a Midlife Transition Coach and I’ve spent the last 10 years bringing an upbeat approach to coaching amazing women over 50 and hosting the Women in the Middle® Podcast, which both focus on helping you get unstuck and clear so you can love your life after 50!

I started out by realizing that my unique life story of outliving my parents by decades helped me appreciate that aging was truly a gift denied to many and that also needed to be shared. This important mindset shift can be life-changing and critical to regret-proofing your life and having more fun with the time that you have!

Now, knowing I have the skills to help women get clarity about what they want and create the courage and confidence to pursue it creates a ton of midlife fulfillment for me too!

Get Unstuck: Midlife Clarity Fast & Easy

I'll help you get clear about your next chapter priorities without spin, confusion and overwhelm in less than an hour so that you can get unstuck & have a fun, meaningful and regret-free life!

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