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Creativity Peaks Lab

$44 USD | Created by Creativity Peaks Lab

I’ll show you 6 simple activities for activating your students’ creative minds, and back it up with neuroaesthetics.

  • Learn how to improve creative engagement with your students, increase the ability for lateral thinking, infuse activated calmness, and unlock creative access (for yourself too!)

Learn how to improve creative engagement with your students, increase the ability for lateral thinking, infuse activated calmness, and unlock creative access (for yourself too!)


Perry from Creativity Peaks Lab

I’m a creativity coach, art educator & artist and I’ve spent the last 30 years guiding people on the powerful ways that they can uncover / recover / discover their own creative energy.

I started out leading workshops and classes on art techniques, and now I understand the urgent need in our society for people to really overcome their personal doubts, fears, and blockages and to revive faith in their intuitive creative trust to empower their actions in personal and professional growth and development.

Creativity Peaks Lab

I’ll show you 6 simple activities for activating your students’ creative minds, and back it up with neuroaesthetics.

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