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Buzzworthy Case Studies - The Copy Template Shop - World of Shortcuts

Buzzworthy Case Studies

$9 USD | Created by The Copy Template Shop

Your secret ingredient to writing engaging, “I-can’t-wait-to-hire-this-person”-worthy case studies without needing to interview past clients.

  • If you want to brew up potent social proof for your done-for-you services, consultations, coaching programs and more without bugging your clients for a spot on their already-packed calendar, this toolkit is your new best friend.

    Buzzworthy Case Studies gives you a less intrusive way to gather client information and create a streamlined case study workflow, so you can get back to the work you actually like to do.

If you want to brew up potent social proof for your done-for-you services, consultations, coaching programs and more without bugging your clients for a spot on their already-packed calendar, this toolkit is your new best friend.

Buzzworthy Case Studies gives you a less intrusive way to gather client information and create a streamlined case study workflow, so you can get back to the work you actually like to do.


Megan from The Copy Template Shop

The Copy Template Shop is the go-to resource for online entrepreneurs who prefer to DIY their copy without sacrificing quality, strength, or flavor.

Created by seasoned copywriter Megan Taylor, each template and training has been expertly brewed to help you write strategic and engaging copy without the struggle of starting from scratch.

Whether you’re ready to serve your next big offer, it’s time to perk up your online presence with fresh website copy, or you want to do a better job of warming up the people who are new to your world — there's a template for that.

Buzzworthy Case Studies

Your secret ingredient to writing engaging, “I-can’t-wait-to-hire-this-person”-worthy case studies without needing to interview past clients.

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