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Bi-Lateral Tapping for Creatives: Resolving Distressing Thoughts

$37 USD | Created by Map Inside Out

A step-by-step, therapist-led Workshop on clearing distressing thought patterns so that curiosity & creative flow are more naturally available.

  • In one hour, learn a skill that MEASURABLY reduces or eliminates disturbing or stressful thoughts so that levity & creativity are available.

In one hour, learn a skill that MEASURABLY reduces or eliminates disturbing or stressful thoughts so that levity & creativity are available.


Kathryn from Map Inside Out

I’m a long-time Maker & Art Therapist and I’ve spent the last 20 years helping myself & others find ways to remain creative & curious despite the relentless chaos of adulting in the 21st century.

I started out deeply struggling to fit art-making into the nooks & crannies of my life as a full-time working parent.

I now find myself completely committed to a weekly art practice in MAKE - a community specially designed to get crazy busy, aimless, or disconnected Creatives back to their craft.

Bi-Lateral Tapping for Creatives: Resolving Distressing Thoughts

A step-by-step, therapist-led Workshop on clearing distressing thought patterns so that curiosity & creative flow are more naturally available.

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