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30 Day Reset for Weight Loss Resistance

$19.47 USD | Created by The Diet Culture Detox

The 30 Day RESET for Weight Loss Resistance empowers you to break free from diet culture & unlock your best self by eliminating processed sugars & embracing organic, regenerative superfoods.

  • The 30 Day RESET for Weight Loss Resistance allows individuals to

    • experience reduced cravings
    • increase energy levels
    • improve digestion
    • enhance mental clarity
    • have better weight management
    • and an overall greater well-being as they break free from sugar addiction and nourish their bodies with nutrient-rich, sustainable foods.

The 30 Day RESET for Weight Loss Resistance allows individuals to

  • experience reduced cravings
  • increase energy levels
  • improve digestion
  • enhance mental clarity
  • have better weight management
  • and an overall greater well-being as they break free from sugar addiction and nourish their bodies with nutrient-rich, sustainable foods.


Lisa from The Diet Culture Detox

I'm a Regenerative Health Detox Practitioner and I've spent 27 years healing my body from symptoms of weight-gain, fatigue, inflammation, bloating, stress, slow metabolism and poor sleep.

I started with small steps to heal my own health challenges and now I am committed to empowering clients to take control of their health and embark on their own healing journeys.

I am dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the lives of my clients by promoting a paradigm shift towards holistic health and vitality without'diet culture'.

30 Day Reset for Weight Loss Resistance

The 30 Day RESET for Weight Loss Resistance empowers you to break free from diet culture & unlock your best self by eliminating processed sugars & embracing organic, regenerative superfoods.

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