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RAMP your SHIfT: Shortcut to Effective Self-coaching

$97 USD | Created by RAMPIT Solutions Ltd

Unlock the power of YOU with our RAMP-IT Self-Coaching Masterclass and discover practical life-changing concepts to get from where you are to where you want to be, whether you're starting, stuck, or scaling. This isn't just a course; it's your roadmap to a remarkable transformation. Click to start your journey to unstoppable success!

  • Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey and enjoy the rewards of the ripple effects of effective self-coaching any situation or shift?

    Discover the RAMP Frame and the four root elements triggering all emotions, a ground-breaking concept not taught anywhere else, and learn to view every situation or setback through a clearer solution-focused lens.

    With practical tools for continuous self-improvement, empowering you to lead a life filled with intention and resourcefulness, and experiencing real, personalised growth, you can design a path to success as distinct as your fingerprints.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey and enjoy the rewards of the ripple effects of effective self-coaching any situation or shift?

Discover the RAMP Frame and the four root elements triggering all emotions, a ground-breaking concept not taught anywhere else, and learn to view every situation or setback through a clearer solution-focused lens.

With practical tools for continuous self-improvement, empowering you to lead a life filled with intention and resourcefulness, and experiencing real, personalised growth, you can design a path to success as distinct as your fingerprints.


Nolan from RAMPIT Solutions Ltd

I’m a lifelong learner and trainer, and now call myself a self-coach trainer and author.

I’ve spent the last 30-plus years training people effectively in several industries from dancing to wellness to restaurants to massage and marketing.

I started helping my apprenticeship students with life lessons along with their course curriculum and realised I had a framework I could use to improve my own life drastically and now I write books, teach courses and help others through a community and local events to enhance their own lives simply and effectively.

RAMP your SHIfT: Shortcut to Effective Self-coaching

Unlock the power of YOU with our RAMP-IT Self-Coaching Masterclass and discover practical life-changing concepts to get from where you are to where you want to be, whether you're starting, stuck, or scaling. This isn't just a course; it's your roadmap to a remarkable transformation. Click to start your journey to unstoppable success!

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