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Calm Amid Chaos: Create Extra Time in 3 Simple Steps - Cherry Task - World of Shortcuts

Calm Amid Chaos: Create Extra Time in 3 Simple Steps

$37 USD | Created by Cherry Task

I'll show you how to go from stressful days with not enough time and a feeling of overwhelm to days filled with relaxation, joy, and time for yourself in less than 10 minutes per week.

  • Learn how to create extra time in your day, reduce stress and overwhelm, and regain a healthy life-work balance.

Learn how to create extra time in your day, reduce stress and overwhelm, and regain a healthy life-work balance.


Ken from Cherry Task

I’m a Time Architect and productivity nerd. Over the past 7+ years I have fine-tuned a holistic productivity framework that is simple, sustainable, effective, and invisible (you don’t even notice you are using it).

I started nearly 40 years ago as a college student looking for a way to manage my schedule and complete my coursework on time.

Now, after years of crafting a unique approach to productivity and successfully coaching private clients on my holistic framework, I have developed it into a tool that can benefit thousands more people than I could ever help with private coaching.

Calm Amid Chaos: Create Extra Time in 3 Simple Steps

I'll show you how to go from stressful days with not enough time and a feeling of overwhelm to days filled with relaxation, joy, and time for yourself in less than 10 minutes per week.

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