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From Conflict To Connecting - RelationshipHeadquarters - World of Shortcuts

From Conflict To Connecting

$19 USD | Created by RelationshipHeadquarters

I'll show you how to turn conflict into a moment of tenderness with your partner.

  • Learn how to make conflict a moment of intimacy by making your partner feel heard and understood - without having to give in to their demands.

Learn how to make conflict a moment of intimacy by making your partner feel heard and understood - without having to give in to their demands.


Bob from RelationshipHeadquarters

I'm a relationship coach and I've spend the last 20 years helping women experience the relationship of their dreams.

I began as a therapist but realized my clients wanted specific and practical suggestions that helped immediately.

Now I've put what's worked with my clients into a short "cheat sheet" that you can use immediately to begin connecting to effortlessly with a man.

From Conflict To Connecting

I'll show you how to turn conflict into a moment of tenderness with your partner.

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