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Hire My Kids as Co-Authors Starter Kit

$47 USD | Created by Free To Be Me 24/7

I'll show you how to invest in your child's future while creating cherished family memories with the Hire My Kids as Co-Authors Starter Kit, empowering you to unlock their potential and foster creativity through self-publishing children's books together!

  • The Hire My Kids as Co-Authors Starter Kit empowers parents to empower their children to explore their creativity and potential, create cherished family memories through self-publishing a children's book and lay the foundation for building generational wealth through entrepreneurship.

The Hire My Kids as Co-Authors Starter Kit empowers parents to empower their children to explore their creativity and potential, create cherished family memories through self-publishing a children's book and lay the foundation for building generational wealth through entrepreneurship.


Erica from Free To Be Me 24/7

I'm a Business Empowerment Coach who, after spending 20 years navigating the challenges of workplace inequality and burnout as an educator, started seeking solutions for my own career dissatisfaction and the systemic barriers Black women face professionally.

At Free To Be Me 24/7, we empower you to embrace your true, authentic self while transforming your expertise into a profitable digital product business so that you can show up unapologetically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Hire My Kids as Co-Authors Starter Kit

I'll show you how to invest in your child's future while creating cherished family memories with the Hire My Kids as Co-Authors Starter Kit, empowering you to unlock their potential and foster creativity through self-publishing children's books together!

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