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StockStarter: Kickstart Your Investment Journey in under 2 Hours! - Teach Me Wall Street - World of Shortcuts

StockStarter: Kickstart Your Investment Journey in under 2 Hours!

$37 USD | Created by Teach Me Wall Street

Master the basics of investing, decode Wall Street jargon, explore stock types, delve into fund options, and navigate the crypto debate.

  • Understanding...

    • The language of Wall Street
    • The difference between value, growth, penny and meme stocks
    • Types of funds you can invest in
    • And if you should invest in crypto or not!


  • The language of Wall Street
  • The difference between value, growth, penny and meme stocks
  • Types of funds you can invest in
  • And if you should invest in crypto or not!


Annaline from Teach Me Wall Street

I’m a Wall Street expert and I’ve spent the last 15 teaching people about Wall Street and how the stock market works. I started out doing walking tours and teaching in person classes and since the pandemic started in 2020, have been teaching Wall Street related classes online.

StockStarter: Kickstart Your Investment Journey in under 2 Hours!

Master the basics of investing, decode Wall Street jargon, explore stock types, delve into fund options, and navigate the crypto debate.

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