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Seize the Day with Self-Care

$27 USD | Created by Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

Hey Moms! Life's a juggling act, and you're the star performer, but when was the last time you took a moment for yourself? We’ll show you how to make self-care a habit with a morning ritual so you can banish those burnout blues and infuse your day with energy and confidence!

  • You'll feel more energetic, confident, and positive all day long because when you set the tone for your morning, you set the tone for your day.

You'll feel more energetic, confident, and positive all day long because when you set the tone for your morning, you set the tone for your day.


Alegre & Natascha from Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

We are mom-entrepreneurs on a mission to empower other moms and caregivers to prioritize themselves, save time, and accomplish their goals through actionable, science-backed content.

We know how challenging it can be to focus on oneself when women are often expected to be the "shock absorbers" for any family crisis, and we want to help you live in a proactive-by-design way rather than a reactive-by-default one by harnessing the power of planning.

Seize the Day with Self-Care

Hey Moms! Life's a juggling act, and you're the star performer, but when was the last time you took a moment for yourself? We’ll show you how to make self-care a habit with a morning ritual so you can banish those burnout blues and infuse your day with energy and confidence!

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