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Find15: Create More ‘Me Time’ Today

$8 USD | Created by Nichole Banducci, Inc.

I’ll teach you how to get a clear snapshot of your current weekly schedule and choose personalized steps to create more ‘me time’ today.

  • Learn how to create ‘me time’ every day. Use a simple time mapping template and a quick quiz to get you started today. Leverage five ‘time creating categories’ for immediate tips and a source of inspiration for your own future ideas.

Learn how to create ‘me time’ every day. Use a simple time mapping template and a quick quiz to get you started today. Leverage five ‘time creating categories’ for immediate tips and a source of inspiration for your own future ideas.


Nichole from Nichole Banducci, Inc.

I’m a board certified health coach and I’ve spent the last several years developing a program that enables working moms to design their ideal healthy lifestyle. I started out simply helping clients build their wellness goals and now, I help them create the time they need for self-care.

Find15: Create More ‘Me Time’ Today

I’ll teach you how to get a clear snapshot of your current weekly schedule and choose personalized steps to create more ‘me time’ today.

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