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'More Forward' & 'Up-Transitions' - World of Shortcuts

'More Forward' & 'Up-Transitions' for Your Horse

$37 USD | Created by Working Equitation Simplified

I’ll show you what is encouraging your horse to keep being lazy or slow and teaching them to wait and see if you ‘really mean it’ and give you the missing element you can implement without being mean.

  • Learn how to lighten your horse to your leg aids and create more willingness to go forward with less resistance.

Learn how to lighten your horse to your leg aids and create more willingness to go forward with less resistance.


Trish from Working Equitation Simplified

I’m a horse trainer and coach and I’ve spent the last 40+ years mastering the art of communicating with horses and riders in a way that makes sense to them so they can improve their skills and relationship.

I started out training horses for myself and for resale, and then specialized in solving horse problems that others couldn't, as well as starting horses so they never developed those problems.

And now I create online courses, programs and resources that help riders by giving them the skills to diagnose what their horse needs and the steps to correct what they're seeing.

They learn to train their own horse for Working Equitation or can use it as cross-training and an exceptional way to add variety to their daily practice.

'More Forward' & 'Up-Transitions' for Your Horse

I’ll show you what is encouraging your horse to keep being lazy or slow and teaching them to wait and see if you ‘really mean it’ and give you the missing element you can implement without being mean.

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