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Gifts From Your Kitchen

$25 AUD | Created by Chef Susie

30 sweet and savoury recipes that are perfect for gift giving on any occasion.

  • Get access to a range of recipes from quick and simple, like spicy bbq mix, to elaborate, like the decorated gingerbread house.

Get access to a range of recipes from quick and simple, like spicy bbq mix, to elaborate, like the decorated gingerbread house.


Susie from Chef Susie

I’m a Chef & Hobby Farmer and I’ve spent the last 20 years cooking professionally in Australia, Canada and England and the last 6 years building my own hobby farms growing food and raising animals.

I started out giving home-made edible gifts when I was a teenager as a way to give great gifts with little money and now I teach my clients about growing food, raising animals and how to enjoy making their own food easily.

Gifts From Your Kitchen

30 sweet and savoury recipes that are perfect for gift giving on any occasion.

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