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Doodle Escapes: Unleash Your Creative Breakthrough

$27 USD | Created by The Drawing Lab

I'll teach you how to draw as way to de-stress, boost your creativity and challenge your brain with simple drawing exercises you can do at your desk in less than five minutes even if you don’t know how to draw.

  • Learn how to boost your creativity, challenge your brain, practice mindfulness, develop a calming habit, boost feel good endorphins.

Learn how to boost your creativity, challenge your brain, practice mindfulness, develop a calming habit, boost feel good endorphins.


Deb from The Drawing Lab

I am a drawing activist and artist and I have spent the last 3 decades teaching people how to reclaim their drawing mind and their creativity.

When I said to people I am an artist they would share their fear of drawing and making mistakes, I figured out a simple way to share what I know about the power of drawing for everyone.

I want every kid to never stop drawing and every adult to come back to it. Learn ways to tap into your creativity & find your visual voice.

Doodle Escapes: Unleash Your Creative Breakthrough

I'll teach you how to draw as way to de-stress, boost your creativity and challenge your brain with simple drawing exercises you can do at your desk in less than five minutes even if you don’t know how to draw.

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