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The "Anti-Hustle" Breathing Kit

€29 Euros | Created by The No Hustle Club

I'll show you how to befriend stress and optimise your breath to build stress resilience.

  • Learn how to effectively practice various breathing exercises throughout the day to release stress, recharge your energy and boost your cognitive performance.

Learn how to effectively practice various breathing exercises throughout the day to release stress, recharge your energy and boost your cognitive performance.


Andrea from The No Hustle Club

I’m a Healthy Lifestyle Strategist (4x international entrepreneur turned health coach) and I’ve spent the last 5 years helping entrepreneurs prioritise their health in business.

I started out healing my own relationship with work & life balance and now I’ve crafted the roadmap that guarantees workplace well-being.

The "Anti-Hustle" Breathing Kit

I'll show you how to befriend stress and optimise your breath to build stress resilience.

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