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Inner Harmony, Outer Glow: a modern woman’s guide to holistic health

$7 USD | Created by Unfolded Life Project

My favorite 7 empowering practices for nurturing well-being in midlife and beyond.

  • Discover 7 simple yet profound practices to harmonize your inner and outer worlds, enhance your physical health and bring peace and balance to mind and spirit

Discover 7 simple yet profound practices to harmonize your inner and outer worlds, enhance your physical health and bring peace and balance to mind and spirit


Peppa from Unfolded Life Project

I’m a mindfulness and holistic wellness coach, and I’ve spent the last 9 years helping folks build their brands, share their message with confidence, and run a harmonious coaching business by being their soul-aligned self.

After taking my personal and entrepreneurial journey into the next chapter, I help women bring their bodies, minds, and energy into full alignment and embrace midlife with grace and joy.

Inner Harmony, Outer Glow: a modern woman’s guide to holistic health

My favorite 7 empowering practices for nurturing well-being in midlife and beyond.

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