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Homemade Remedies Shortcut

$27 USD | Created by ReKindle Coach

I help you transform your approach to wellness with simple, homemade remedies while saving you time and money.

    • Strengthened immune systems, leading to fewer instances of illness and increased overall well-being.
    • Time and cost savings by utilizing homemade remedies that are convenient, affordable, and tailored to a family's needs.
    • Peace of mind by using wholesome ingredients free from artificial additives or chemicals.
    • Enhanced confidence to proactively manage a family's health with holistic approaches that nurture both body and mind.
    • A sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from supporting your family's wellness journey and foster a healthier lifestyle.
  • Strengthened immune systems, leading to fewer instances of illness and increased overall well-being.
  • Time and cost savings by utilizing homemade remedies that are convenient, affordable, and tailored to a family's needs.
  • Peace of mind by using wholesome ingredients free from artificial additives or chemicals.
  • Enhanced confidence to proactively manage a family's health with holistic approaches that nurture both body and mind.
  • A sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from supporting your family's wellness journey and foster a healthier lifestyle.


Marlene from ReKindle Coach

I’m an entrepreneur and teacher and I’ve spent the last 22+ years mastering routines that make our family and work life a success.

I started out training my babies to sleep through the night, moved to juggling multiple-age homeschool lessons, and now I run an online business while homeschooling, tutoring, and teaching Speech Communication at the University level.

Homemade Remedies Shortcut

I help you transform your approach to wellness with simple, homemade remedies while saving you time and money.

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