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Reels That Seal the Deal

$10 USD | Created by Jim Cooney

I’ll give you the best practices for acting, vocal, dance, and choreography reels, plus a breakdown of the must-have sections and example screens you can use as templates.

  • You’ll have a reel that makes it easier than ever to book jobs and book them fast.

You’ll have a reel that makes it easier than ever to book jobs and book them fast.


Jim from Jim Cooney

I’m an award-winning theater director, choreographer, and career coach. I’ve spent the last 25 years helping theater artists shine their brightest, onstage and off. I learned early on in my career that show business IS a business.

Once I began to treat it as such, my career took off. Now, I’m booked nonstop and get to decide what projects I say yes/no to.

Plus, the artists I’ve coached are playing leads on Broadway, competing on American Idol, dancing as Rockettes, and acting in feature films.

Reels That Seal the Deal

I’ll give you the best practices for acting, vocal, dance, and choreography reels, plus a breakdown of the must-have sections and example screens you can use as templates.

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