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Priority Swap Sheet

$30 USD | Created by Tack Changes

Priority Swap Sheet transforms task management by enabling you to break free from the illusion that everything can be accomplished with just the right organization, guiding you to make strategic trade-offs based on a comprehensive understanding of your capacity, beyond mere urgency and importance.

  • By using Priority Swap Sheet, you will easily navigate the demanding task of making trade-off decisions, a process often taxing on the brain. It facilitates the balancing of new opportunities with ongoing commitments, guiding you in the strategic swapping of tasks to optimize productivity within your existing capacity, without the risk of overextension.

By using Priority Swap Sheet, you will easily navigate the demanding task of making trade-off decisions, a process often taxing on the brain. It facilitates the balancing of new opportunities with ongoing commitments, guiding you in the strategic swapping of tasks to optimize productivity within your existing capacity, without the risk of overextension.


Valentina from Tack Changes

I’m a Business Growth Facilitator. My own entrepreneurial journey began in the throes of personal adversity, navigating through the aftermath of a traffic accident that redirected me from a consultancy career. I’ve spent the last 20 years starting and growing businesses across different industries.

I started out struggling in my own business, trying to do it all and facing the challenge of prioritization and subsequent inefficiency. This led me back to what I loved so much about business excellence - prioritizing the most impactful activities, guided by the principle of doing less to achieve more. I have simplified these advanced strategies and my mission is to make these tools accessible to entrepreneurs.

Now, I help business owners to identify and concentrate on their most impactful business activities, moving beyond traditional productivity mantras and tools that focus on “working smarter, not harder”."

Priority Swap Sheet

Priority Swap Sheet transforms task management by enabling you to break free from the illusion that everything can be accomplished with just the right organization, guiding you to make strategic trade-offs based on a comprehensive understanding of your capacity, beyond mere urgency and importance.

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