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Plan Your Career Pivot

$27 USD | Created by Untamed Career

Create a career you love without blowing anything up (no Sunday Scaries required)

  • Learn how to figure out your next career step, ensure with 100% confidence that it will be more satisfying than what you're leaving, and create an achievable exit ramp with confidence - so you can schedule your "liberation day" and successfully execute your pivot

Learn how to figure out your next career step, ensure with 100% confidence that it will be more satisfying than what you're leaving, and create an achievable exit ramp with confidence - so you can schedule your "liberation day" and successfully execute your pivot


Anthony from Untamed Career

I'm a career satisfaction coach and I've spent the last 6 years helping clients create careers they're excited to wake up for. I started out helping friends and colleagues spice up their resumes, and now I help people (re)discover what they want to be when they grow up.

Plan Your Career Pivot

Create a career you love without blowing anything up (no Sunday Scaries required)

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