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Looking Great On Stage As A Professional Female Speaker

£9 GBP | Created by Kay Korsh

I'll show you how to look like an expert in your field when you present on stage, which will lead to more bookings and higher fees.

  • Learn how to elevate your stage presence through your look, so you can look and feel confident, which will lead to higher fees and more bookings

Learn how to elevate your stage presence through your look, so you can look and feel confident, which will lead to higher fees and more bookings


Kay from Kay Korsh

I’m a personal stylist and a style coach and I’ve spent the last 4 years helping women professional speakers all over the world gain more confidence and find their Signature Speaker Style, which is aligned with their message on stage. Because whether we want it or not, we are being judged for the way we look, even before we start speaking.

I have spent 20 years dressing actors like Elizabeth Debicki, Riz Ahmed, Ben Whishaw and Lily James. And now I've combined my passion for style with my love for learning about human behaviour and created my 5-step framework to bring confidence and joy to women speakers through teaching them how to elevate their style on stage and through their brand.

Looking Great On Stage As A Professional Female Speaker

I'll show you how to look like an expert in your field when you present on stage, which will lead to more bookings and higher fees.

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