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Blah to Brilliant: 10 Ways to Take the “Ick” Out of Performance Conversations

$7 USD | Created by Lyn Allen

I’ll show you how to elevate conversations on performance beyond “necessary evil” or deadly dull waste of time, to transformative interactions that inspire people, shift culture and evolve organizations.

    • Stop feeling as if you have to be the bad guy or the mom
    • Stop thinking that being direct means you must hurt someone’s feelings
    • Stop wasting time with meaningless pro-forma performance reviews
    • Start using everyday interactions as opportunities to inspire, uplift, connect, build trust and help others willingly, enthusiastically bring their best…

    ...with 10 simple shifts you can use right now.

  • Stop feeling as if you have to be the bad guy or the mom
  • Stop thinking that being direct means you must hurt someone’s feelings
  • Stop wasting time with meaningless pro-forma performance reviews
  • Start using everyday interactions as opportunities to inspire, uplift, connect, build trust and help others willingly, enthusiastically bring their best…

...with 10 simple shifts you can use right now.


Lyn from Lyn Allen

I’m a coach and mentor for busy achievers and I’ve spent the last 30 years developing tools for high performers to be successful without sacrificing themselves or others along the way. I left a corporate leadership role when my health was compromised by the stresses of the job.

After a decompression year, I started coaching business owners and leadership teams on how to resolve conflicts using values-based communication strategies.

Now I help big-hearted, big-vision trailblazers and way-showers reduce stress, build confidence and have more freedom in how they show up in their roles, using tools and approaches informed by neuroscience.

Blah to Brilliant: 10 Ways to Take the “Ick” Out of Performance Conversations

I’ll show you how to elevate conversations on performance beyond “necessary evil” or deadly dull waste of time, to transformative interactions that inspire people, shift culture and evolve organizations.

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