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Write an Inspirational Game Changing Book

$37 USD | Created by Darlene Turriff Coaching Inc

We'll show you in 5 Quick Steps how to go from Ideas to having a 5 star ⭐ outline that turns beginner core message into instant authority.

  • You will get clarity on your core message, confidence to use it right away so that you can become an instant authority when you announce you are writing your book.

You will get clarity on your core message, confidence to use it right away so that you can become an instant authority when you announce you are writing your book.


Darlene from Darlene Turriff Coaching Inc

I’m a nonfiction book coach & editor and I’ve spent the last 8+ years honing my own online soulpreneur business.

I started out by writing my own book and helping my book coach edit hers and just like peanut butter & jelly, we discovered my business strategy & her copywriting made for some great books. We now run an author's collaborative that develops and publishes memoirs, how-to & thought-leadership books.

Write an Inspirational Game Changing Book

We'll show you in 5 Quick Steps how to go from Ideas to having a 5 star ⭐ outline that turns beginner core message into instant authority.

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