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The $20K / mo. Christian Coach

$7 USD | Created by Overlap Design

I'll show you how to use easy-yes offers, simple sales assets, and ethical client-generation methods to start enrolling clients in the next week.

  • Discover how to create no-brainer offers, simple sales assets, and launch simple client-generation methods that can bring you clients in as little as 30 days with no funnel or website.

Discover how to create no-brainer offers, simple sales assets, and launch simple client-generation methods that can bring you clients in as little as 30 days with no funnel or website.


Tim from Overlap Design

I’m a Pastor, Author, and Agency Owner and I’ve spent the last 8 years helping Christian experts, coaches, and consultants to quickly launch no-brainer offers and reach $20K / mo. in income before they build a website, funnel, or free challenge.

I started out by dogfooding the same process I teach people; scrapping my bloated agency after a struggle sesh led to a business model that fits on a sticky note, and now I run a coaching program and done-for-you agency helping Christian coaches launch their coaching thing in 30 days without any complicated tech using a payment link and a glorified Google Doc.

The $20K / mo. Christian Coach

I'll show you how to use easy-yes offers, simple sales assets, and ethical client-generation methods to start enrolling clients in the next week.

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