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Find Your Story - Brenda Adelman - World of Shortcuts

Find Your Story

$37 USD | Created by Brenda Adelman

I’ll show you how to find your most powerful stories, based on the events of your life, narrow in on your message and how to use your story to have a brand that is memorable

  • Learn how to find the one story to use in your business that differentiates you from the competition while also giving you something to plug into ChatCPT so that you don't sound like everyone else.

Learn how to find the one story to use in your business that differentiates you from the competition while also giving you something to plug into ChatCPT so that you don't sound like everyone else.


Brenda from Brenda Adelman

I’m a critically acclaimed speaker, a storytelling expert and a video confidence coach and I’ve spent the last 15+ years performing my one-woman show internationally and helping other soul-centered business owners reach more people by sharing their stories on stage and in interviews.

Find Your Story

I’ll show you how to find your most powerful stories, based on the events of your life, narrow in on your message and how to use your story to have a brand that is memorable

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