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Best-Seller Launch Made Simple

£37 GBP | Created by Self-Publishing Made Simple

I'll guide you through a step-by-step process to self-publish your book and launch it to #1 Best-Seller on Amazon.

  • 1: Learn about Amazon Best-Seller secrets and how you can optimize your book to maximize visibility during launch week;

    2: Organize your self-publishing workload and distribute your tasks into small, easy to follow, bite-sized steps to avoid overwhelm;

    3: Follow our PROVEN launch sequence so you'll know for sure that you're on the right track to Best-Seller success!

    4: BONUS training on validating your book idea, recommended tools, book promotion, and so much more!

1: Learn about Amazon Best-Seller secrets and how you can optimize your book to maximize visibility during launch week;

2: Organize your self-publishing workload and distribute your tasks into small, easy to follow, bite-sized steps to avoid overwhelm;

3: Follow our PROVEN launch sequence so you'll know for sure that you're on the right track to Best-Seller success!

4: BONUS training on validating your book idea, recommended tools, book promotion, and so much more!


Emee from Self-Publishing Made Simple

I'm a self-publishing coach who, for the past 5 years, has assisted entrepreneurs, coaches, and visionaries in turning their passion into best-selling books, expanding their reach, and growing their businesses.

I transitioned from a full-time University lecturer to self-publishing, and now I help others build their portfolios to share knowledge and make an impact globally.

Best-Seller Launch Made Simple

I'll guide you through a step-by-step process to self-publish your book and launch it to #1 Best-Seller on Amazon.

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