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Get Sewing Machine Confidence

£19.99 GBP | Created by The Thrifty Stitcher

I’ll take you step by step through everything you need to know to become sewing machine confident. You’ll learn how to make friends with your machine.

  • Confidently thread up and use a sewing machine to make your first project.

Confidently thread up and use a sewing machine to make your first project.


Claire-Louise from The Thrifty Stitcher

I’m a professional Costumier and sewing educator and I’ve spent the last 15 years helping absolute beginners master the sewing machine and fall in love with making.

I started out teaching sewing on whim, after reading about how it was no longer taught in schools which made me so sad, and now since my first few classes I grew a sewing school, then worked on the UK's first TV show about sewing for over 30 years, and have helped to inspire some of the regular 3 million viewers to take up sewing.

Learning to sew isn't just about the life skills, it's an act of self care, and a great way to make new friends through the network of others who share you passion.

Get Sewing Machine Confidence

I’ll take you step by step through everything you need to know to become sewing machine confident. You’ll learn how to make friends with your machine.

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