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Easy Abstract Painting

$27 USD | Created by Micheal Stevenson

Learn how to paint abstract paintings in three different ways, it's easy and fun.

  • Learn how to express yourself in paint, through abstract art.

Learn how to express yourself in paint, through abstract art.


Michael from Micheal Stevenson

I’m an artist - painting and printmaking - and I’ve spent the last couple of decades painting and making prints.

My love is abstraction and I pursued a career in it for a while now - I received a Pollock Krasner Fellowship, amongst other awards. I've also taught at the university level.

Sometimes getting into painting or printmaking can seem intimidating - my goal is to make it a pleasant, enjoyable and rewarding activity that anyone can enter into.

Easy Abstract Painting

Learn how to paint abstract paintings in three different ways, it's easy and fun.

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