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Tag Your Traffic

$47 USD | Created by Datable

We’ll show you how to use and leverage data in your business so you know exactly where the traffic coming to your website is from - down to whether it came from your Instagram bio or a story, or what traffic that podcast or speaking event *actually* brought to your business.

  • Know precisely what marketing efforts are worth their time, what aren’t, so they can spend time and money in the places that are actually creating the biggest results and let go of the things that aren’t generating an ROI.

Know precisely what marketing efforts are worth their time, what aren’t, so they can spend time and money in the places that are actually creating the biggest results and let go of the things that aren’t generating an ROI.


Jennifer & Lacey from Datable

We’re data experts that have spent the last 10 years mastering online business. We started out doing this on a small scale in our own businesses, then with the clients we were already supporting, and finally expanded to making a much bigger impact having helped over 400 entrepreneurs through our course, Measure & Maximize.

Tag Your Traffic

We’ll show you how to use and leverage data in your business so you know exactly where the traffic coming to your website is from - down to whether it came from your Instagram bio or a story, or what traffic that podcast or speaking event *actually* brought to your business.

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