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Start Your Story

$47 USD | Created by Miramare Ponte Press

I expertly guide writers through two 90-minute pre-recorded sessions to start their writing projects, whether it's their first attempt or a subsequent one, focusing on understanding the fundamentals of a compelling story opening and practical techniques to kickstart the writing process.

  • Writers who invest in and engage with the Start Your Story Workshop will gain the confidence and clarity needed to START their writing projects effectively. By implementing the strategies and techniques provided, they will not only overcome the initial hurdles of starting their story but also develop a deeper understanding of what constitutes a compelling story opening. This will give them the oomph to keep going (and hopefully, write the WHOLE BOOK).

Writers who invest in and engage with the Start Your Story Workshop will gain the confidence and clarity needed to START their writing projects effectively. By implementing the strategies and techniques provided, they will not only overcome the initial hurdles of starting their story but also develop a deeper understanding of what constitutes a compelling story opening. This will give them the oomph to keep going (and hopefully, write the WHOLE BOOK).


Marcy from Miramare Ponte Press

I'm a Custom Publisher & Award-Winning Author and I've spent the last 16 years mastering the intricacies of the human brain, particularly its connection to storytelling, publishing, and effective reader engagement.

I started out facing countless rejections from publishers, despite receiving praise for the quality of my manuscripts... afraid that my work would never find its audience, and now I specialize in guiding people through every obstacle to bringing their writing and publishing dreams to life.

Start Your Story

I expertly guide writers through two 90-minute pre-recorded sessions to start their writing projects, whether it's their first attempt or a subsequent one, focusing on understanding the fundamentals of a compelling story opening and practical techniques to kickstart the writing process.

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