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Intuitively Identify Your Ideal Client - World of Shortcuts

Intuitively Identify Your Ideal Client

$27 USD | Created by Expanding Possibilities

I'll connect you to your ideal client so you can get clear on who they are and what they need so you can more effectively create offers, write copy and make sales.

  • Clear picture of your ideal client and a way to communicate with them so you can effectively market to them and make more sales.

Clear picture of your ideal client and a way to communicate with them so you can effectively market to them and make more sales.


Ellen from Expanding Possibilities

I’m a creator and adventurer and I’ve spent the last 10 years learning to create my business effortlessly by leveraging my intuition.

I started out traveling the world crewing on other people's boats and building my business on the side and now I’m living on my boat running a global business supporting other life adventurers to create the life and business of their dreams.

Intuitively Identify Your Ideal Client

I'll connect you to your ideal client so you can get clear on who they are and what they need so you can more effectively create offers, write copy and make sales.

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