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Effortless Lead Magnet Email Sequences

$47 USD | Created by Coaching Hive LLC

I'll show you how to craft an irresistible 5-email sequence, with an easy fill-in-the-blank repeatable process, that delivers your lead magnet to your new subscribers and keeps them hooked.

  • Enjoy creating personalized email sequences for each lead magnet, while saving time and boosting both subscriber loyalty and interaction.

Enjoy creating personalized email sequences for each lead magnet, while saving time and boosting both subscriber loyalty and interaction.


Dr. Moira Hanna from Coaching Hive LLC

I’m a digital course strategist and StoryBrand Certified Guide and I’ve spent the last 15 years mastering digital course creation that engages students and gets results.

I started out creating (and still do) digital courses as a college professor and now I guide digital course creators from idea to implementation using the principles of instructional design and messaging.

Effortless Lead Magnet Email Sequences

I'll show you how to craft an irresistible 5-email sequence, with an easy fill-in-the-blank repeatable process, that delivers your lead magnet to your new subscribers and keeps them hooked.

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