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Buyers to Besties

$49 USD | Created by Idyll Point Group

I’ll help you create a key feature of your onboarding experience that “hooks” your members into your group program from Day One and keeps them engaged and renewing.

  • Identify an early, quick win for your members, map out bite-sized actions to get that win during onboarding, and add rewards and other incentives to keep your onboarding fun and engaging.

Identify an early, quick win for your members, map out bite-sized actions to get that win during onboarding, and add rewards and other incentives to keep your onboarding fun and engaging.


Andrea from Idyll Point Group

I’m a customer success and retention strategist, and I’ve spent the last 40+ years making customers successful with online products.

I started out helping customers of large, high-tech companies to use complex software products, and now I help membership, group coaching, and mastermind owners to grow their business by making their customers successful.

Buyers to Besties

I’ll help you create a key feature of your onboarding experience that “hooks” your members into your group program from Day One and keeps them engaged and renewing.

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