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Beginner Singing Course

$79 USD | Created by AM Vocal Studios

The Beginner Singing course is your step-by-step guide to mastering the fundamentals of singing, designed to unlock anyone's voice's full potential with easy-to-follow exercises you can do with your favorite songs for only 15 minutes a day.

    • Expanded Vocal Range: Learn techniques to comfortably sing higher and lower notes.
    • Improved Pitch Accuracy: Sharpen your ear and increase your ability to stay on pitch, making every performance more harmonious.
    • Enhanced Vocal Tone: Discover how to enrich your voice's natural timbre, making it more powerful and captivating.
    • Greater Control and Breath Support: Master the art of breath control for longer phrases and steadier sounds without strain.
    • Increased Confidence: Overcome stage fright and gain the confidence to perform in front of any audience, big or small.
    • Versatility in Song Interpretation: Explore different genres and styles with ease, making every song you sing uniquely yours.
    • Prevention of Vocal Damage: Learn healthy singing habits to protect and preserve your voice for the long haul.
  • Expanded Vocal Range: Learn techniques to comfortably sing higher and lower notes.
  • Improved Pitch Accuracy: Sharpen your ear and increase your ability to stay on pitch, making every performance more harmonious.
  • Enhanced Vocal Tone: Discover how to enrich your voice's natural timbre, making it more powerful and captivating.
  • Greater Control and Breath Support: Master the art of breath control for longer phrases and steadier sounds without strain.
  • Increased Confidence: Overcome stage fright and gain the confidence to perform in front of any audience, big or small.
  • Versatility in Song Interpretation: Explore different genres and styles with ease, making every song you sing uniquely yours.
  • Prevention of Vocal Damage: Learn healthy singing habits to protect and preserve your voice for the long haul.


Adam from AM Vocal Studios

I’m a Vocal Coach and Singing Instructor, and I’ve spent the last 10 years helping aspiring singers unlock their true vocal potential and overcome stage fright.

I started out by addressing the common issue of stage fright and helping individuals gain confidence in their singing abilities and now I’m focused on creating comprehensive online courses, such as “High Notes Unleashed,” that not only teach technical singing skills but also tackle the mental aspects of performing, like overcoming stage fright and cultivating a powerful singer’s mindset.

Beginner Singing Course

The Beginner Singing course is your step-by-step guide to mastering the fundamentals of singing, designed to unlock anyone's voice's full potential with easy-to-follow exercises you can do with your favorite songs for only 15 minutes a day.

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