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10x Video

$37 USD | Created by April Meese Inc

I'll show you how to create a full month of video content (30 videos) under 1 hour to accelerate your sales.

  • Learn how to create marketing videos faster and easier to boost your authority & sales without any awkward dancing.

Learn how to create marketing videos faster and easier to boost your authority & sales without any awkward dancing.


April from April Meese Inc

I’m a marketing specialist, who helps business owners get more clients with videos, as well as, a dash of AI, a sprinkle of automation, and a huge heap of your uniqueness.

I’ve spent 20 years in marketing for brick-and-mortar businesses and the last 6 years also doing online businesses.

I started out struggling to get clients in my own business but then grew to multi-six figures working only 3 days a week. Now I’m delighted to help others with limited time build their business.

10x Video

I'll show you how to create a full month of video content (30 videos) under 1 hour to accelerate your sales.

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