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Balancing Business and Self-Care: A Day in the Life of Carrie Bergen-Geisel


Carrie Bergen-Geisel

New Dundee, Ontario, Canada

"I help busy women who are experiencing burnout find calm and rekindle their relationship with themselves through gentle movement, breathwork, and meditation. Additionally, I offer special events designed to educate and foster a safe, supportive environment for women to feel seen and heard. When I’m not on my yoga mat, you can find me walking my dog, Vinny, while indulging in a good audiobook." 

What moment or experience inspired you to start your business? What was your vision at the beginning?

Although these are not business books, they inspired both my personal and business life: A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and Dying to be Me by Anita Moorjani.

What does a typical day for you look like?

I love my morning routine! I start my day with a strength training or HIIT workout. Afterwards, I do breathwork and set my intentions for the day. At that point, I'm ready to take on the day and work at getting the majority of work done in the morning. I walk my dog after lunch and either go back to work or run errands. After making a healthy dinner for my family, I may be teaching a class in the evening or indulging in a personal yoga practice.

What unique routines or habits do you believe contribute to your success?

My personal practice of mindfulness and breathwork. Speaking kindly to myself. One mantra I work with regularly when I find myself in go-go-go mode is "I'm doing enough, I have enough, I am enough!"

What's your workstation setup?

I have a room in my home dedicated to my business. Originally, it was my office, but now it is my office/personal yoga studio. It is where I work but also where I teach my online classes and provide private sessions. I moved my desk into the closet (thank you, Pinterest, for the idea), and the rest of the room is my yoga space.

Where do you go to look for inspiration?

I love listening to Podcasts about running a Yoga Business; I have a few that I follow. I have belonged to a group called the Impact Club that offers coaching and support for Yoga Teachers. I have a Mastermind Group and an Accountability Buddy. I also get inspired while walking my dog in my small community.

What core values drive your business, and how have they shaped your path?

Being true to myself and showing up as I am. I let go of trying to be perfect while teaching a class and ask others to let go of their ego while on the mat and be where they are. We're not trying to achieve a certain pose or look a certain way; it's about feeling good in our body and honoring our true self.

What part of your business are you most proud of?

I LOVE the group of amazing women that keep showing up for themselves. I have such a beautiful following, and I'm grateful and honored to be their guide on their yoga journey.

What’s a challenge you’re currently working on in your business?

Trying to do it all! As a solopreneur, there is so much to do and it feels like so little time. I feel drained at times that I'm spending more time working 'on' my business than 'in' my business teaching yoga.

What music do you listen to while working?

I love music, and I create a lot of playlists for my classes. I often listen to these playlists while working. It's hard to pick one playlist to share, but here is one of the most recent ones I created.

What’s one piece of advice someone gave you that you’ll never forget?

Be yourself and the right people will find you.

Any advice for ambitious professionals in your field?

Focus on what truly resonates with you and your experiences. Authenticity is key.

What shortcuts are you eyeing next on World of Shortcuts?

Marketing by Design and 5-Steps to Career Bliss with Human Design.

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